Parts of Speech | All 15 Types of Nouns

 Are you searching for an assessment about “all 15 types of nouns”?

Here we have prepared an assessment with 20 MCQs for you. This will help you to judge your learnings about kinds of nouns. Nouns and their kinds are an essential part of English grammar.

Before attempting the assessment Quiz read notes about all types of nouns.

Assessment Part of Speech Noun

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English Grammar, All Parts of Speech, Noun Assessment 1

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All 15 Types of Nouns

What is a noun?

A noun is often described as a part of speech that we use to identify or name a thing, place, person, etc. Briefly, we can also define the noun as; A noun is a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea. There are different types of nouns, and the type of noun you use depends on the context in which you use it. In this blog post, we will learn the different types of nouns and how to use them correctly. By the end of this post, you will better understand how to use nouns correctly in your own writing. Usually, the noun has the following types:

  1. Proper noun
  2. Common noun
  3. Collective noun
  4. Concrete noun
  5. Abstract noun
  6. Compound nouns
  7. Material noun
  8. Uncountable noun
  9. Regular noun
  10. Irregular noun
  11. Singular noun
  12. Plural noun
  13. Countable noun
  14. Gerund
  15. Gender
    • Masculine
    • Feminine
    • Neuter gender

Proper noun

A proper noun is the name of a specific individual, place, material, tool, area, etc. The proper nouns are always capitalized. Common examples include the following:

  • Names of people: John, Maria, Harry, etc.
  • Names of places: Pakistan, Turkey, London, etc.
  • Names of things: table, chair, computer, etc.

Usually, Proper nouns are important in written communication because they can help people to avoid any type of confusion. For example, if you were to write “I went to the store,” it would be unclear which store you are referring to. However, if you wrote “I went to Walmart,” there would be no confusion because Walmart is a specific store.

Common noun

The common noun is a word for any physical object, animal, or plant. Common nouns represent a class of objects rather than the name of the specific individual. Unlike proper nouns, common nouns are not capitalized.

For example:

  • I have two cats. (Cats are a class of animals.)
  • I need to buy some apples. (Apples are a type of fruit.)

Collective noun

A collective noun is a word that describes a whole group of people or a group of things.

 For example, the word “team” is a collective noun because it describes a group of people working together. Other examples of collective nouns may  include “family,” “class,” and “committee.

Concrete noun

Many people have ambiguity in understanding concrete nouns. So here, in our post, we are going to clear all those queries running in people’s minds.  A concrete noun is a word for a physical object that can be experienced through one or more of the five senses. Concrete nouns are usually contrasted with abstract nouns, which mainly refer to unreal or emotional concepts.

Making you understand the concrete noun so that later you can decide whether it is concrete or not will be advantageous for you. If you could, then it’s probably a concrete noun.

For example, consider the word “chair.” You could walk into a room and point to a chair, so “chair” is a concrete noun.

How and why abstract nouns are differentiated from concrete nouns?

If you were having difficulty understanding whether the word is a concrete or abstract noun, then you must learn the difference first. A concrete noun is a contrast to an abstract noun. A concrete noun is the name of the thing while an abstract noun is an ethereal or unreal emotion or feeling.

Concrete Nouns:

Concrete NounsAbstract Nouns
Phone bookHappiness

Countable noun

A countable noun is a noun with a singular and a plural form. The plural form is usually created by adding -s to the end of the world e.g. cat/cats, house/houses.

Countable nouns can be used with both a and an in front of them. We can also use a number in front of countable nouns e.g. I have three cats.

Some countable nouns have irregular plural forms. Examples include  Child/children, person/people, and foot/feet.

Uncountable noun

An uncountable noun or mass noun is defined as those substances that cannot be counted. Mass nouns have the impossibility of being directly used with indefinite articles(a, an). Instead (of a, an) we use “so much”, “so many” etc., with the amounts of the uncountable noun.

For example:    “30 grams of milk” and “so many stars”. Note that these nouns do not have the concept of singular or plural nouns.

Abstract noun

A noun that indicates emotions, concepts, intentions, and traits irrespective of the things are abstract nouns.  These are the ethereal or unreal sentiments that are just felt. Abstract nouns cannot be seen or heard, they are just observed and felt.

For example:

“I am feeling motivated”.

“He is angry with me”

Other examples include: “affection”, “hate”, “bravery”, etc.         

Material noun  

A material noun is a kind of noun that is the name of those materials from which the substances are made.

For example; gold, silver, fiber, glass, plastic, lead, etc.

Sentence example:

 “This mug is made up of glass”.

“These tables are made from wood”.

Regular noun

Those nouns are created into the plural forms with the addition of, ‘es’ at the end of the noun. There are the conditions by which we apply the ‘s, es’ at the end of the noun. If the noun ends with the -s, -ch, -z, -sh, -z then we apply -es at the end to make it a plural noun. 

For example: “apple/apples


Irregular nouns

Irregular nouns are the kinds of nouns that become plural in a different way without adding the ‘-s, -es’ at the ending. Unlike regular nouns, irregular nouns don’t end in the same way. In becoming the plural nouns, they end in different spellings like Knife: Knives

For example:






Singular noun

A type of noun that refers to only one specific person, thing, or place is referred to as the singular noun. The singular nouns become plural when we add ‘-s, -es’ at the end of the noun.

For example:


Plural noun

When we add ‘-s, -es’ at the end of the singular noun, then it becomes the plural noun. But some specific words like; mathematics, physics, etc are not plural. (they are a word on their own). Some words do not have ‘-s, -es’ at the end but are a group of one or more things or people just like the word “police”.

For example: 



Compound noun

Those nouns that are made up of two nouns without the hyphen between those words are called compound nouns. They come up with a new noun.

Consider the example: “butter” and “fly” make the noun “butterfly”.

“Foot” and “ball” make the noun “football”.

Chairman, Monsoon, Blackboard, and Textbook are examples of compound nouns.


The noun form of the verb is named gerund. Its formula is (root verb+ ing). To make the verb a noun, we add the “ing” at the end of the verb.

Let’s take a look at the examples to understand more:

Walking is good for health.

Running a race keeps us fit.

Too much eating is not a good habit.

Playing with the toys keeps the baby happy.


Gender nouns indicate the sex of persons, things, or animals. Gender is of three types.

  • Masculine
  • Feminine
  • Neuter gender

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